James McCallum, the President of Sum2 stated, "The CreditAides quantitative assessment tool is a wonderful compliment to the qualitative risk assessment applications offered in the Profit|Optimizer. Now our clients have a recognized standard to measure the financial impact and returns on capital allocation decisions they implemented as a result of a Profit|Optimizer review. The challenging business cycle requires that managers allocate capital to a few select initiatives. It is critical that managers fund initiatives that mitigate the greatest risk and provide the potential of optimal returns. The combination of CreditAides reports with the Profit|Optimizer will provide our clients with the ability to discern the optimal initiatives to fund and measure the effectiveness of their capital allocation decisions."
The Profit|Optimizer guides business managers through an thorough enterprise risk assessment. Uncovering the risks and opportunities associated with products and markets, business functions, numerous macro risks and critical success factors are key components of effective enterprise risk management (ERM). ERM requires the assessment and aggregation of hundreds of risk factors. The Profit|Optimizer helps managers identify the key initiatives that will help to maintain profitability and sustainable growth. The use of CreditAides provides an important measurement tool to affirm and validate that managers have made correct bets on capital allocation decisions.
Z-Score Financial Analysis Tool
The Z-Score formula for predicting bankruptcy was developed by Edward I. Altman a Professor of Finance at New York University. The Z-Score is used to assess the financial health of companies and the probability of bankruptcy. The Z-score uses multiple corporate income and balance sheet values to score the financial health of a company. The use of Z-scores is a strategic tool managers use to measure and validate the effectiveness of their business strategy.
Risk Assessment and Opportunity Discovery
The recession has created macroeconomic conditions that are causing widespread business failures. Small and mid-size business enterprises (SME) require effective risk management tools to effectively manage business threats to survive extreme business downturns. Assessing, measuring, aggregating, prioritizing, pricing and initiating actions are the tactical means risk managers use to support the business objectives of the enterprise. Sound risk management practices are central to a healthy corporate governance culture and are central to maintaining profitability and long term sustainable growth for the business enterprise.
The Profit|Optimizer
Profit|Optimizer helps managers assess risk factors and uncover opportunities that are always present in the business environment. The product is based on Basel II working group recommendations that outline optimal risk profiles of SMEs. The Profit|Optimizer incorporates four focus areas.
1.) product and market dynamics (products, clients, competition, supply chain, market segments)
2.) business functions (management, sales and marketing, operations, facilities, IT, HR, accounting)
3.) critical success factors (generic and specific)
4.) macro risk factors (macroeconomic, STEEPLE, SWOT, segment benchmarks, business plan optimization)
SME's lack of agility and reluctance to change has made it difficult for these businesses to survive severe market conditions. There are tremendous market forces at work in the current business environment that are creating dangers and opportunities for SMEs if they can effectively assess and adapt. Business managers must be astute and exacting how they allocate the precious capital resources required to achieve business objectives. The Profit|Optimizer helps managers make better capital allocation decisions. CreditAides provides fiscal metrics to validate or adjust business strategy and initiatives. Sum2's risk assessment products coupled with the measurement tools provided by CreditAides creates a leading edge solution for SME risk management. The ease of use and superior value proposition of the combined solution is unsurpassed in the market.
About CreditAides
CreditAides (www.creditaides.com) online business analysis and credit assessment portal provides business managers with important insights into the financial health of their company. Automated financial analysis improves efficiency of the business enterprise. CreditAides reports are used to assess the financial health of clients, supply chain and used to demonstrate financial health and credit worthiness to credit and equity providers.
True underlying financial health of companies has never been harder to identify and never been of greater importance. Across both equity and credit markets, understanding relative financial strengths of companies is paramount for effective business decisions. Good decisions cannot be made without good quality information generated by incisive tools.
About Sum2, LLC
Sum2 (www.sum2.com) was founded in 2002 to promote the commercial application of corporate sound practices. Sum2 manufactures, aggregates, packages and distributes innovative sound practice digital content products to select channels and market segments. Sum2's sound practice products address risk management, corporate governance, shareholder communications and regulatory compliance. Sum2's objective is to assist businesses and industries to implement sound practices to create value for company stakeholders and demonstrate corporate governance excellence to assure profitability and long term sustainable growth.
You Tube Video: Ella Fitzgerald, A-Tisket A-Tasket
Risk: bankruptcy, default, market, credit